On Tuesday, there was really good news for Democrats. The latest polls showed them pulling neck and neck to keep control of the Senate, data modelers like Nate Silver were adjusting their percentages to nearly 50/50, and Republicans were getting nervous.
Let the spin machine begin. Our so-called "liberal media" couldn't wait to step on the accelerator pedal for why things suck for Democrats. Behold a sampling of today's headlines:
CNN: NRA Focuses on Three Senate Races - Be afraid, little people. The gun nuts are arming themselves.
The Atlantic: 'Security Moms' Are Back—and That's Bad News for Democrats - That one's so obvious an idiot could see the spin. Let the big mean Republicans take care of your national security, little country. Foreign terrorists have not attacked on American soil since Republicans were in charge. But that doesn't stop the narrative. Meanwhile, no attention is paid to our home-grown terrorists, which thrive courtesy of conservatives.
New York Times: GOP Gains Strength and Obama Gets Low Marks, Poll Finds - Because yesterday is so...yesterday.
CBS News: Is Obama Tough Enough In Dealing With ISIS? Gosh, I don't know. Do we really need to aim our drones and missiles at a group of angry terrorists that's smaller than the population of a small town? Sure, they're meaner and they're really great at Twitter and Facebook, but they're still only 30,000 strong. You tell me, CBS. What do you want, a nuke?
NY Daily News: Sorry, Hillary, Things Are Breaking the GOP's way - I don't even understand that headline, much less what to do with it. What's Hillary got to do with it?
The Atlantic: The Making of a Conservative Superstar, featuring Tom Cotton, who currently trails Mark Pryor in most polls. They might have wanted to hold that shiny profile until after he won, if ever.
In the category of "Dems are doomed," we have Politico's latest about how Dems are turning on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Maybe, but really they should be aiming at Steve Israel.
Politico: Mark Begich frosty over snow machine ad - Of course he is. First they shoveled his own ad in his face, made him apologize (because Dems always apologize when they shouldn't) and then shoveled their own piece of crap back at him.
No matter what the spin is in today's headlines, there is a fact they're all overlooking. Democrats' chances are improving daily. Daily.
When you consider that fact in light of the headlines above, is it any wonder Americans' trust in the media, online, cable or broadcast is at an all-time low?