Fox's Eric Bolling, with no apparent sense of irony, had the gall to complain about the supposed "death of journalism" on this Saturday's Cashin' In.
December 21, 2014

I don't know if Eric Bolling realizes that his weekend show over at Faux "news" on Saturdays is giving The Onion some heavy competition for segments that could be easily confused with their articles, but he managed to do just that once again when he actually had the gall to complain that we might be "eye-witnessing the death of journalism" because Rolling Stone and NY Magazine published a couple of articles that they for once may have had a legitimate right to criticize.

Look Ma! We found two of them!! This means that every single article ever published by the "liberal media" can now be called into question and journalism is dead!!

If Bolling really wants to know why journalism is supposedly "dead" he just needs to take a good long hard look in the mirror. We've been documenting his contribution to polluting our airways for a while now, which you can take a look at in our archives here, and if you are a regular reader over at Media Matters, which I suspect most of our regular readers are, you know they've been documenting the fact that his network lies to their viewers day in and day out and have been since we've been unfortunate enough to have them on the air.

The only thing Bolling is good at is throwing stones and projecting his worst traits and those of his network onto liberals that only exist in his mind and those foolish enough to take anything he says seriously. He managed to do that once again on this Saturday's Cashin' In, which is supposed to be part of their "business block."

That's a joke in itself since the majority of the topics covered on all of those shows are purely political and any stock tips they give have disclaimers running in the chyrons telling viewers they're not responsible if anyone is foolish enough to take any of their advice.

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