Boehner Re-Elected Speaker; Conservatives Weep
January 6, 2015

Coming as no surprise to most people, John Boehner was re-elected as Speaker of the House, despite the revolt of the most revolting conservatives in the House. Louie Gohmert got a handful of votes along with colleague Ted Yoho. Why do I always want to sing the Pirates of the Caribbean song whenever I see Yoho's name? Hmmm.

But crack Breitbart reporter Matthew Boyle is all torn up over it. He was so sure, so confident that this time they'd elect a lunatic in Boehner's spot, as if Boehner isn't compliant enough with their every fauxtrage or something.


Unfortunately for Boyle and the 27% of Americans who think Jesus personally wrote the 2nd Amendment — and they have a copy of the Constitution right here in their pocket to prove it — Boehner was re-elected today, and now Tea Party members and other people living under the Iron Thumb/Fist/Boot of illegitimate President Barack Obama are sad — so very very very very sad — that their coup went ‘kablooey.’

Boyle, who rode shotgun on Chris McDaniel’s attemptto unseat Thad Cochran in Mississippi only to be stopped by those damnable Negro voters, really thought he was onto something big with Boehner on the ropes and — with heavyweights from Joe the Plumber to Sarah the Babbler saying “throw the bum out” — it really looked like Boehner’s goose was cooked.

To Matt.

Unfortunately for Boyle and the 27% of Americans who think Jesus personally wrote the 2nd Amendment — and they have a copy of the Constitution right here in their pocket to prove it — Boehner was re-electedtoday, and now Tea Party members and other people living under the Iron Thumb/Fist/Boot of illegitimate President Barack Obama are sad — so very very very very sad — that their coup went ‘kablooey.’

Go read the collection of tweets on his post over at Raw Story. They're hilarious.

Boehner has already started the discipline process. Florida Reps. Webster and Nugent got bumped from their spots on the Rules Committee. Where Goober and Pirate Yoho land is anyone's guess.

Welcome to the House administrative committee, boys.

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