The news that Hillary Clinton is willing to testify before another Benghazi kangaroo Republican tribunal made some waves the other day, but it also sent a few mixed signals. Karl Rove joined swiftboating and sounded a warning bell to conservatives obsessed with Benghazi, in hopes of dashing her presidential hopes by swiftboating her with it. It's a sudden change of heart for Rove, who's used his American Crossroads PAC to attack her over the Benghazi tragedy with, but now he's hedging his bets.
He told BillO that he's convinced Hillary is enjoying having the tragedy around just like he believes President Obama loved having the birthers making fools of themselves on a daily basis.
O'REILLY: All right. But you know that that's not on the minds of the American people. That's not even in the top five in the general foreign policy arena. Terrorism is but not foreign policy. And the other thing is Mrs. Clinton has said that now she wants to testify about Benghazi and get that all clear.
ROVE: Yeah, look. Benghazi could be a problem. My sense is this is sort of like potentially like President Obama. And remember how he let all this conversation go about how he was not really born in the United States of America and it took him years before he finally put it out? He loved having conservatives talk about it.
I'm beginning to suspect that Mrs. Clinton might have been happy to let the Benghazi thing go forward and the controversy to be there because she has some asbestos. She's really, if you get into, isolated, insulated from it, I don't know. But the overall picture of foreign policy is going to be difficult for her to defend the record.