Former Afghanistan captive Bowe Bergdahl has now been charged with desertion, which means the right is once denouncing the administration for getting him freed and saying positive things about him. So I'll just offer a few links to posts I wrote about this last summer:
* Funny, Jake Tapper Used to Want Berghdahl Freed
* In 2011, Ollie North Wanted Us All to Wear Bowe Bergdahl POW Bracelets
* Imagine My Surprise: Allen West Is a Bowe Bergdahl Hypocrite
* A Few More Nominees for the Bergdahl Hypocrite Hall of Fame
And, from Gawker:
* Angry Conservatives Forgot Their Old Angry Tweets Supporting P.O.W.

When the failure to free Bergdahl was a useful stick to beat Obama with, Bergdahl was a right-wing hero, cruelly neglected by an evil president who hates America and the military. The minute Bergdahl was freed, word went out on the right: "Everyone skate counterclockwise now." Bergdahl was now a traitor. Obama's hatred of America was the reason Bergdahl was freed.
But I'm stating the obvious, right?
Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog.