Rep. Trey Gowdy made his "middle finger" tour on Fox News today to explain quite earnestly why he could not possibly release the BENGHAZI! report until well into 2016.
“That assumes the report would be critical of [Clinton] and I don’t make that assumption because we’re still in the process of gathering facts,” he told Fox News' “On The Record.” "If the report is not critical of her, then she would probably want it to come out closer to the election but it’s not going to come out in the middle of 2016."
“I hope it doesn’t come out in 2016, period," Gowdy continued. "I hope we are done before the end of the year and I say hope because there are certain variables that I cannot control.”
However, Hillary for America Campaign Chairman John Podesta thought otherwise. Podesta said in a statement Wednesday the delay was “solely about playing politics.”
“This action is the latest example in a broad concerted effort by Republicans and their allies to launch false attacks against Hillary Clinton’s record and deep experience on foreign affairs and national security,” the statement read.
Podesta noted that the committee's investigation process would be longer than those for Iran-Contra, the Kennedy Assassination, Watergate and 9/11.
Sure he hopes it doesn't come out in 2016. And I hope the AR-15 he so admires melts like butter in his hands.