On Black Friday in 2013, Walker's campaign sent out the infamous fundraising email telling people to not but Christmas gifts for their kids and to give him the money instead:
Instead of venturing into the cold this Black Friday, stay in and give your children a gift that will keep on giving.
This year, we are celebrating the Holiday Season with a Black Friday special that is better than any deal found in stores. Donate $5, $10 or $25 to help Governor Walker get reelected and save your children from a future of double-digit tax increases and billion dollar budget deficits.
Instead of electronics or toys that will undoubtedly be outdated, broken, or lost by the next Holiday Season, help give your children the gift of a Wisconsin that we can all be proud of. Governor Walker is helping Wisconsin move forward to a future where your children and grandchildren can experience:
- Economic Prosperity
- Improved Schools
- Freedom From Government Dependence
The Governor wants his sons to grow up in a Wisconsin as great as the one he grew up in. When asked why he never stopped fighting for Wisconsin during the Recall, Governor Walker says he has two reasons, his sons Matt and Alex.
With your help, Governor Walker is enacting reforms that are securing a strong state for the future of Wisconsin’s children. This Black Friday, donate $5, $10 or $25 to help Governor Walker win reelection so he can continue to help Wisconsin move forward.
A strong Wisconsin is the best gift you can give.
As Susan Madrak reported, Walker is keeping up his war on kids and Christmas by wanting to hike the bike tax.
I would be lax not to mention that Walker has now cut more than $2 billion from public education, bringing its funding level below what it was in 2010. Likewise, it should be noted that he has expanded voucher school funding, pushing for a statewide open enrollment for these unaccountable corporate education vultures. In Milwaukee, they are taking away public schools and privatizing them.
Even then, Walker's avarice wasn't sated.
He had to find new ways to screw over the kids. And he did.
Despite Walker's attacks on their educations, the children at Green Bay's Webster Elementary School went to the state Capitol to give a free concert. Walker showed his appreciation by sending them a bill:
If you’re planning a trip to the Capitol and want to use an outlet for an event, be prepared to pay. Webster Elementary School found this out the hard way.
The Green Bay-area school’s music class was charged a fee after giving a free concert at the state Capitol in Madison. Now several local representatives want to take a deeper look at the policy that prompted the bill.
An invoice from the Department of Administration said a music teacher had to pay $15 because his fourth-grade class plugged in a boom box so the kids could sing along while performing a concert in the Capitol rotunda.
Retired Green Bay teacher Kathleen Leadley says the charge is ridiculous.
“If the fact is that they owe fifteen dollars for plugging in a boom box, we perhaps may need to revisit that at the state level, because this makes no sense,” she said.
Really. How much longer before Walker starts stealing candy from babies?