There's this sign that asks God to bless the military and their families at a Marine Corps base in Hawaii, and wouldn't you know it, those pesky atheists have a problem with the 'innocuous' and friendly display? Elisabeth Hasselbeck-the-Holy, interviewed Army Chaplain, Justin "Chappy" Roberts about a new call to remove the sign that was erected just after 9/11/2001. Neither host nor guest can fathom why ANYONE would have a problem with a government-sanctioned display that clearly blends Church and State, a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. They see no problem with it, how could anyone else?
Since the Pope's successful U.S. visit, a visit where he praised, blessed and included people of all faiths or those with no faith at all, can't the non-believers just keep their mouths shut? A very confused Pastor Roberts explains that the military needs all the help they can get, with the 22 suicides daily committed by the military personnel who are suffering largely from PTSD. Religion is the answer to mental healthcare, according to the people at GOP-TV. Funding the veterans, the task of Congressional Republicans, is never the cause for care deficiencies. Veterans just need more RELIGION and those dirty atheists should stay out of spiritual matters.
In case Fox 'News' is interested, here is the other side of the argument, since they are the fair and balanced 'news' network.
A religiously themed sign on Marine Corps Base Hawaii has come under fire from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) and its founder and president, Mikey Weinstein.
The sign, which according to base officials was erected after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, says, "God bless the military, their families and the civilians who work with them." MRFF seeks to have the sign, which is near the base marina, taken down and moved to the grounds of the base chapel.
"This sign is a brazen violation of the No Establishment clause of the Constitution, as it sends the clear message that your installation gives preference to those who hold religious beliefs over those who do not, and those who prefer a monotheistic, intervening god over other deities or theologies," Blake wrote. "We recognize the value that religious activity brings to the lives of many, however this sign is not in keeping with the time, place, and manner restrictions required by law [or] for any military commander to bolster religious principles through the official authority given to their rank and position." *emphasis mine
It would be much more effective for the afflicted members of our noble military to receive the care and funding they so richly deserve. Cheap platitudes such as this impromptu sign created after Bush oversaw the largest attack in history on American soil, aren't exactly the best way to help traumatized soldiers. In fact, it belongs at a religious institution and all the MRFF representatives are asking is that it be moved to the chapel grounds. Problem solved.
By covering up the real problem (Congressional Republicans refusing to fund veteran's healthcare) with an alleged persecution of Christianity, a.k.a. War on Christianity, Fox 'News,' and its cohorts, divert and distract attention from the real issue: a nutty Teabagger-infested Congress who cares only for the wealthy corporations who finance their campaigns, and cares nothing for the poor military men and women they send into harm's way to do their corporate masters' bidding. Praying for soldiers' health and well-being is as effective as praying for rain. It is a perfunctory gesture designed to absolve them of culpability.
It's no surprise that those who are preventing veterans from receiving the care they need are the very same people who are denouncing the Obama Administration for a massive V.A. failure, one that they perpetrated. Congress somehow succeeds in blaming those who advocate for the military, for their own abysmal failures, while their base, living in the 'bubble,' believes every dishonest word.