Donald Trump told Chuck Todd that if he fails in the polls, and he's not called for interviews anymore, he'd be happy to go back to his old life.
CHUCK TODD: What does that mean?
DONALD TRUMP: --you don't-- a lotta people have asked me that question. Number one, I'm not a masochist. And if I was dropping in the polls where I saw that I wasn't gonna win, why would I continue? And it's funny. Maybe it's, like, not like me because it's the power of positive thinking-- I'm a very positive person, I'm a positive thinker-- but the truth is, I'm a realist. I'm doing great in the polls right now, I think you will say. I'm not saying anything. I'm leading everything, right?
CHUCK TODD: You're leadin' every poll.
DONALD TRUMP: Everything. By a lot.
CHUCK TODD: In a Republican primary.
DONALD TRUMP: Not only leading, by a lot. Okay--
CHUCK TODD: General elections are different stories, but that's all right.
DONALD TRUMP: Well, you--
CHUCK TODD: We're not there yet.
DONALD TRUMP: I believe in polls. How many elections do you see where the polls were wrong? Not that many. Okay. You see 'em, but not that many. If I were doing poorly, if I saw myself going down, if you would stop calling me 'cause you no longer have any interest in Trump because "he has no chance," I'd go back to my business. I have no problem with that.
Even though Trump discussed what he would do if the polls left him, I believe what he was really trying to get at was that the bottom tier 2016 GOP candidates should drop out already since they are pretty much unmoving bottom feeders. You know, like Chris Christie, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal and those that have never had any traction with the voters in the primary so far.