Frank Luntz Did A Focus Group With Trump Supporters And It Was Hideous
Credit: Washington Post
December 11, 2015

This Frank Luntz focus group of self-proclaimed Trump supporters is disgusting, and it's mostly disgusting because these people have been completely indoctrinated by right wing radio and online media like Breitbart News.

None in the group wanted to find themselves on the side of the mainstream media — or of President Obama. When Luntz asked participants to sum him up in a word or phrase, “socialist” and “Jimmy Carter” tumbled forth until one man raised the ante.

“I wouldn’t urinate on him if he was on fire,” he said.

“That’s the meanest thing I’ve ever heard,” Luntz said.

Frank Lanzillo, a 59-year-old retired Marine, took that as a cue to explain just how anti-American the president really is.

“When you bend down to the Saudis, take your shoes off, put your hand on a Koran and then the Bible when you’re sworn in?” Lanzillo said. “He took his flag pin off. I’m a Marine and former deputy sheriff. He took that off, he was in the toilet to me. I would not only not piss on him if he was on fire — I’d throw gas on him.”

(The president briefly chose not to wear a flag pin during the 2008 campaign; he was not sworn in on a Koran.)

Asked whether the president was a Christian, only three of the 29 participants raised their hands. Asked whether he was born in the United States, eight said no. When Luntz returned to policy, mistrust of the president informed the exclamations of trust in Trump.

“Donald Trump says that President Obama wants to allow 250,000 Syrian refugees to come into the country,” Luntz said. “Who thinks that is mostly true?”

Nearly every hand shot up.

“Do you know that Obama has said he wants only 10,000 refugees?” Luntz asked.

“What’s in his heart?” asked one participant.

“He’d let as many in as possible,” insisted another.

“It happens again and again,” said Jeff Scrima, 38, who moved to the D.C. area after serving as mayor of Waukesha, Wis. “The State Department says one thing, Obama says something else, and they change the policy to match him.”

Honestly, this makes me want to set myself on fire, not because they're ignorant, hateful people, but because they've allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by people with a very specific agenda and purpose. They've given themselves over to hatred and absolute violent loathing because Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and Breitbart News tell them to do it.

With only two exceptions, the three hours of messaging, venting and friendly arguments revealed the roots of Trump’s support. Participants derided the mainstream media, accusing reporters of covering snippets of Trump quotes when the full context would have validated him. They cited news sources they trusted — Breitbart News was one example — to refute what they were being told.

The totalitarian society billionaires bought. Right there, in Luntzian color.

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