Doh!  Trump Puts Money In The 'Bread And Wine' Plate At Iowa Church
Credit: @bluegal
February 1, 2016

From Wapo, "Donald Trump accidentally put money in the Communion plate at a church in Iowa":

...when the Communion plates were passed, Trump mistook the silver plates for the offertory, digging out several bills from his pocket, according to the Associated Press. He, his wife and two staffers took Communion, the AP reports.

“I thought it was for offering,” he told staffers with a laugh. He contributed money several minutes later when the offering plates were passed.

Evangelicals can vote any way they like, but they should not pretend that Trump is one of them or even cares about their interests beyond the Iowa caucus. That's true of many candidates, but this flub gets a prize.

Communion plates generally have what in the secular world is called "food" on them. Church folk prevaricate on what happens to the bread and wine during communion. Does the bread and wine literally become the "body of christ" in the process of being taken? Or is eating a wafer and grape juice (particularly in tee-totalling churches) merely symbolic? In many churches, as well as the Book of Common Prayer, the compromise answer is that communion is a "holy mystery" and let's leave it at that.

But putting a couple of bills on top of the wafers and wine? Who knows where that money has been, Donald. At all the communions I've attended (and I'm a weekly church goer) those serving up the holy meal use hand sanitizer before serving. And now all the germs in your filthy wallet are on the body of Christ. Good going.

This after the "2 Corinthians" and the "little cracker" comments that already label you as an infidel. Not to mention your multiple marriages and sex history marking you as a reprobate.

The next New York values GOP millionaire who runs in Iowa might want to hire an actual practicing evangelical to follow him around to prevent embarrassments.

Note: The author has a Master's in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School.

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