As much fun as it was to watch various highly paid media persons (*cough* Chuck Todd *cough*) attempt to interview Donald Trump about his stunning come-from-ahead victory in America's Cradle of Sedition...
...and as much fun as it was to watch various highly paid media persons attempt to explain the Trump victory without saying anything that would transgress the Holy Beltway Both-Siderist Master-Narrative...
...the runaway hit of the day was watching (top of this post) bottom-feeding invertebrates like Alex Castellanos and Matthew Dowd shoot panicked Both Siderist squid ink in every direction and attempt to undulate away as fast at possible as Roland Martin deposited an entire dump-truck of full-driftglass "This is the f*cking GOP's fault from crotch to crown" unpleasant truths on the table over at "This Week...With Whomever". (Big h/t to Heather at C&L for getting this up so fast):
It is worth watching all 5:50 of the video on all its delicious cringiness, but since you are a very busy person, here are selected highlights (with emphasis added because it amuses me):
MARTIN: I think Donald Trump is plutonium. Candidates have learned that, you know, it can fuel your business, but it can also kill you...
...MARTIN: This is their problem, they invited evil in. And now evil is taking over, OK. 2009, the night of Obama's inauguration, we will stop him at every turn. They loved the Tea Party anger. They took advantage of it in '10 and '12 -- '14. They always said, we can control it. We can harness it. Now all of a sudden, Trump is taking advantage of it. He lead the whole birther deal. The Republican establishment at some point has to say, you know what, we played with fire and now it's about to consume us.
They have to accept some...
Republican strategist SARA FAGEN: The Republican establishment never played with fire. Donald Trump...
MARTIN: ...all day.
FAGEN: I don't think the establishment has played with fire. It looks more like a hostile takeover to me. Donald Trump is not a conservative. He is not a Republican.
MARTIN: So, why did they like his birther against Obama? Why did they like his fundraising in 2012? No, no, no. If the Republicans allowed Donald Trump to ride the birther (inaudible) to Obama. They dig his fundraising prowess in 2012, yes or no?
Warning, Will Robinson! Extreme danger! These are the kinds of questions which the Beltway media was specifically designed to contain and avoid, not flop out on the table and talk about.
Which means it's time for Republican two-bit four-flushed Alex Castellanos to swing into action:
CASTELLANOS: What created Donald Trump is the failure of the Republican Party to lead this country into the future. We've told America that our principles are only good for saying no and telling people what they can't do.
There's a Democratic Party that's only offering more of the same old failure. Washington just hasn't done enough. There's a Republican Party that can only say no to everything. Guess what, the American people are furious on both ends. And they want to throw everybody out.
The failure belongs to both parties.
Bwahahaha! Trump isn't a Republican! Both Sides! The past never happened! Also please for f*ck's sake, stop talking about this!
And so in jumps Castellanos' trusty Both Siderist sidekick, Matthew Dowd. Defend the Hive, Matt! Defend the Hive!
DOWD: It's what created Donald Trump is both party establishments. Basically, the country feeling like the institution that exists in Washington does not work for anybody. And it certainly doesn't work for the working class of the country. That's what created...
But today, for whatever reason, Mr. Martin wasn't having any of it:
MARTIN: And this is why -- this is why I'm saying don't try to blame the Democrats for this one, the Republicans they love that anger when it helped them in the mid-terms, but now the anger is about to take over their party. They have no idea what to do.
But Mr. Martin isn't done yet. He moves from blaming the Republican party leaders for pandering to the rage, paranoia and racism of the straight up blaming the base for voting for stupid, catastrophic shit over and over again. Which, in turn, thoroughly freaks out Matthew Dowd:
MARTIN: I will say this part, part of this whole issue when you talk about that anger. Yes, they're ticked off that America is changing when it comes to how we look in terms of becoming a majority minority country. They're ticked off when it comes to a Republican policy. They're saying I have been impacted economically.
Well, guess what, those same voters at some point you can say I was the one who screwed up, because I kept voting for some folks.
Now, they've also got to say, what does Donald Trump...
DOWD: It's never a good idea to blame voters.
MARTIN: No, no, no. Here's the deal though. No, no, no, that's the mistake that we make. We want to hold everybody accountable except the folks who actually vote for candidates. And the other piece is, I will say those same folks who say old John Wayne, Donald Trump is my man, show me how that man has actually cared about the regular Republican voter over his career.
DOWD: It's a bad strategy to attack voters.
MARTIN: No, no, no. Hold them accountable.
As someone who been adding my small voice to the chorus of despised and ignored Liberals who stand outside the massive, iron walls of the Holy Beltway Both Siderist Master-Narrative, shouting heresies like these and getting pissed on for our troubles, all I can say is "Wow".
If this all feels depressingly familiar, it's because it is. This is exactly where we stood during the very worst days of Bush Administration, when the Holy Beltway Iraq War Master-Narrative had completely collapsed, but its shreds and tatters we're defiantly held together by the sheer, collective "La!La!La!La!I!Cannot!Hear!You!" will of highly paid mainstream media frauds and hacks like Dowd and Castellanos.
Once again, the Beltway finds itself both protected and imprisoned by another Big Lie it has invented to prevent the Republican Party from being run out of Western Civilization on a rail. And once again, I have no doubt they will continue to get away with paving over terrifying Reality with warm, gray, Both Siderist sludge,
But every now and then, a little light breaks through the bars of the vast media prison they have built for us, And moments like, as small as they are, that should be celebrated.
cross-posted from Driftglass