Sympathy For The Devil?
Credit: driftglass
March 14, 2016

The graphic above? I knocked it together eight years ago.

Eight. Years. Ago.

Seemed like a good idea to haul it out again as I transition from blogging to the soon-to-be-much-more-lucrative profession of writing sympathy cards for Republicans whose party has just hit the pavement with a big, wet smack.

For example...

Dear Conservative Friend,

So sorry to hear that your party choked to death on its own insanity, Enclosed you will find an order of delicious Freedom Fries and a video tape of George W. Bush from 2000 promising to get rid of America's terrible budget surplus. I hope they comfort you at this difficult time.

Yours in Christ,


Gonna make me rich, I tells ya!

Rich as a pirate!

crossposted from driftglass

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