As I previously posted, Fox's Howard Kurtz criticized The Washington Post for correctly calling out Donald Trump's attempt to link President Obama to the Orlando shooting. A few hours later, Trump decided to ban The Post from his campaign.
A few hours ago, I posted about Kurtz's criticism of a Washington Post headline, accurately titled, "Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting." Kurtz gave a pass to Trump's awful comments about President Obama as well as the "secret Muslim" dog whistle Trump blew to - yes, connect Obama to the shooting. Instead, Kurtz complained about the "awful" WaPo headline.
Lo and behold, Donald Trump just happened to take exception to The Washington Post, too! But he didn't just complain. Mr. "Make America Great Again" decided to ban one of the country's largest and most important newspapers from his campaign.
Trump announced this attack on The First Amendment via Facebook and Twitter:

Think Fox News will wake up and smell the fascism? Don't hold your breath.
Donald Trump vulture graphic by DonkeyHotey via Creative Commons license.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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