We all know that right wing hate talker has a long, long history of spewing hateful racist bile on the air, which only increased when, heaven forbid, our first black president was elected, and threw out the racist dog whistles for blow horns long ago.
So it should come as no surprise to anyone that First Lady Michelle Obama's wonderful speech this Monday at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, where she dared to mention the fact that she and her husband are living in a house built by slaves, set old Limpballs off on another racist tirade.
Rush Limbaugh Says That Michelle Obama Needs To Get Over Slavery:
RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): They cant stop talking about slavery, and largely in a context of, 'Hey, you know what? It isn't settled yet.' And, 'Hey, you know what, we haven't fixed it yet." I mean, that's their starting point, and I think that's a no-win situation for us because we've made great stride. This country has made phenomenal strides since then. Undeniable. And we're one of the only countries on Earth that has. Great Britain being the other.
This country has done more for and organized for minorities than any other nation on earth. I gave a guy analogy here on the program. We had a guy that called that wanted to know what was so bad about grievance politics, and I made an analogy for him. I said, sir, are you married? He said yeah. I said imagine that you -- your wife -- imagine that your wife has an affair, and it causes all kinds of acrimony, you almost lose your marriage. It's really a rocky period of time. But you and your wife get together, and you decide that you're going to forgive her, you're going to look past it for the sake of the marriage and kids, and you move forward. He said okay.
Now imagine, sir, every argument you have, you continue to remind her that she's to blame for everything because she's the one that had the affair. I said, your relationship hasn't a prayer if you can't let it go. If all you can do is continue to remind her what you've already forgiven her for then the days of your relationship are over.
That's how I hear the Obama's. They love to wax eloquent about the early days and how they were 3/5 of a person, even though they never have been 3/5 of a person. He doesn't even have any slave blood. She does, but he doesn't, but they will admit they're never going to let it go.
Someone should remind Limbaugh that with his track record, he really shouldn't be making any analogies about marriage and someone cheating either.