CIA Director John Brennan did not believe Donald Trump's ridiculous claims that he was able to read the body language of intelligence officers as their mannerisms during a classified briefing told him that they were "angry at President Obama for not listening to them."
During the MSNBC's Commander In Chief forum last week, Trump said this about his Intel briefing, "What I did learn is that our leadership, Barack Obama, did not follow what our experts and our truly - when they call it intelligence, it's there for a reason, what our experts said to do."
He continued, "In almost every instance, and I could tell, I'm pretty good with the body language, I could tell. They were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending."
Director Brennan was asked on Sunday by CBS' Face The Nation host, John Dickerson, who said, "Donald Trump has been briefed now, intelligence briefings. He said that he read through his briefers’ body language that they conveyed disapproval of Barack Obama’s policies. What do you make of that?"
Brennan replied, "I know the briefers that have been briefing the candidates. They are the quintessential professional intelligence officers. They do their work very well. And they know, as professionals, that they are to deliver substance."
"We don’t comment on policy. We don’t give policy recommendations. So I am fully confident that they comported themselves with the utmost professionalism and demonstrated their real breadth and depth of intelligence capabilities."
Not only is Donald Trump the Nostradamus of politics, he's also a master intelligence officer, who reads body language like a box of Wheaties.
Thankfully, not everyone buys his idiotic rantings as truth.
Don't forget, the Commander in Chief forum gave Trump an opportunity to discuss his plans for ISIS. Here is his exact answer: