Watch Mark "Great News for John McCain" "Obama is kind of a dick" Halperin try to play the "reasonable doubt" card for Donald Trump on his bribery of Florida AG Pam Bondi.
Trump has said in the past, as you showed, that he gave money to politicians for favors. To put this to rest, he should put out all of the documentation from his office. How did this contribution come to be made? Where’s the paperwork? Where are the emails? Where are the memos that say, ‘Hey, let’s, right now, give Pam Bondi some money. By the way improperly through our charity.’ And, Pam Bondi’s office should put out all the internal emails from her office that talk about the decision not to make him part of the litigation. Maybe there’s not any connection, but the onus is on them now.
Mika Brezinski won't have it. "Oh, please!" And Mike Barnicle points out that Attorney General's offices have paper trails of everything they do because lawyers. Halperin agrees.
“And in Trump’s office too. It’s a strange bit of timing, because, again, Trump has bragged. This is what he did. He gave money to politicians in order to control his decisions to get favorable results. And he said that’s how he succeeded.”
Mika Brezinski clears all these plates from the table and lays down dessert.
“You can see a timeline and a direct result of the money, which is what he says he does with money, he buys people off. He makes deals. And he got a deal to not be investigated in an area where he has a real weak spot and that’s Trump University. I’ve never seen a campaign and a family get more defensive than when you bring up Trump University because they have a weak spot there.”
Let's not forget that Trump's claim of the moment is he never talked to Pam Bondi.

h/t @nicholsrising and @realDonalDrumpf for the images.
Yesterday's New York Times editorial on the subject is must read.
All of this points not only to the need to defeat Trump, but also to bring about major campaign finance reform from the local to federal levels. And repeal Citizen's United.