October 21, 2016

When Catholic priests boo you, it's time to go home.

Chuck Todd "breaks down" the Al Smith Dinner:

Self-deprecation is a problem with him.

If he had a joke writer, he didn't listen to him. And if this is the result of hiring a joke writer? He should fire him.

Find. a. way. to. tell. a. joke.

Regarding the whole "election fraud" thing, Chuck Todd also said that it's Trump's way to question the system whenever things are not going well for him.

Apparently the only Republican backing Trump's election fraud conspiracy theories is notorious voter suppressionist Kris Kobach of Kansas. Yeah.

Chuck Todd finished the segment by saying Obama wants the Republican Party to pay a political price for Trump in the hopes that "the Republican Party will look in the mirror and change the way they do business in Washington."

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