When Fox News host Alan Colmes asked Pastor Robert Jeffress why he and some in the evangelical community still support Donald Trump, guess what he did before answering the question? He pivoted and deflected, like all sycophants who endorse this Orange Julius clown.
Jeffress earnestly explained, "I think the real question for me is what would it take for me to vote for Hillary Clinton."
Colmes tried to stop him from dodging the question by demanding he answer the simple, straightforward question, "Could anything stop you from voting for Donald Trump?"
Apparently not.
Are all nine women lying, Colmes asked? Naturally, the 'Man of God' asserts that these are merely unfounded, unproven allegations, regardless of the gobs of evidence surrounding them. This, even as some women in the church beg to differ. Jeffress didn't seem too concerned about their objection.
The Christian Post published a letter by 700 women that denounced Trump because:

Jeffress was asked if he takes these allegations by numerous women seriously and he generically replied, "I would never defend or diminish the comments made by Donald Trump."
Obviously, he doesn't seem to care that these women have suffered because of the misogynist and likely, criminal conduct of Donald Trump. It doesn't motivate his base to treat women as equals, so why should he? What would Jesus do?
Alan still wanted to ascertain from the Dallas minister why he thinks that supporting Hillary is worse. Well, duh! Because she's pro-choice, not pro-forced birth like the alleged followers of Jesus Christ who have no problem treating women as breeders with no autonomy over their own reproductive systems. He actually said that Hillary essentially encourages the practice of
"murdering them (females) in the womb before they are born. "
He followed that gross exaggeration by claiming, "Murdering females is worse than groping females.
Colmes reminded him that Trump started the Birther movement and is a danger to our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power with his rigged election comments.
Still, Jeffress seems to be okay with the sexual predatory accusations because he wants to convince everyone that Hillary Clinton is just so bad, even if his evidence is as sketchy as the promises of eternal salvation he delivers to his flock.
Why not just admit that he's a one-issue guy with a one-issue agenda and dispense with the faux holiness?