Sean Hannity discussed the horrible Chicago torture video just the way you would expect the self-styled “great American”: by exploiting the tragedy to hate monger against his usual targets. He picked the perfect guest for it, the ever-venomous Michelle Malkin.
Malkin wasted little time moving the discussion from the heinous crime to those she obviously feels are more important villains: the large swath of America that dares to have political views that differ from hers. The fact that the alleged perpetrators were black allowed her to make it racial, too. She got right to it in her first comment (transcript via
MALKIN: Sean, I think that every parent in America, particularly parents of special needs kids, has to be outraged and disgusted by what was broadcast on Facebook. And the ways in which social media now is spreading this kind of violent poison, it is alarming. And the atrocity, the brutality that occurred, what was depicted in this video is compounded by the callous reaction of so many people on the left and in the media where some crimes are more equal than others. And where this agenda driven journalism has been exposed so nakedly, Sean. The ways of which the racial aspect of this crime has been covered up by so many leftists –
Hannity responded by suggesting she aim her vitriol more directly at Obama:
HANNITY: Yes, they had a hard time reaching the fact that this was a racial hate crime. But here’s another part of the equation that we’ve got to talk about. We’ve dealt with this a little bit on the program last night. Nearly 800 killed in Chicago this year alone. Since Obama has been president nearly 5,000 killed, 4,000 shot this year.
And Malkin complied:
MALKIN: Well, because Chicago is the poster child of the violent and sick hellhole of progressivism. And it lies squarely at the feet of the likes of Rahm Emanuel, the Democratic daily machine and, yes, President Obama and his wife themselves who come from Chicago.
I’ve talked many times with you, Sean, over the years about the progressive climate of hate, whether it is the hate that’s been fermented by CAIR and Black Lives Matter and Sothern [sic] Poverty Law Center which gets to define what hate crimes are, and where they falsely accuse the right. It is always blame right people. Liberals, you know what, liberal ignore racism within their own ranks. They make it up when it doesn’t exist. And they manufacture it for their own political gain. Shame on them.
Climate of hate? Michelle, you really need to look in the mirror a little more carefully.
Watch the irony above, from the January 5, 2017 Hannity.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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