Who cares if the IRS scandal was entirely made up? Jordan wanted a special prosecutor and was denied one, so now he's going to take his ball and go home.
February 27, 2017

The Republican majority isn't even trying to disguise the fact that their collective emotional intelligence hovers around third grade. You can all but hear the "neener neener" coming out of Rep. Jim Jordan's mouth when This Week host George Stephanopoulos asks him about the growing calls for a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump campaign/White House cozy relationship with Russia.

The Ohio Republican doesn't see any need for a special prosecutor, since he was denied one for the IRS scandal during the Obama administration. You remember that one, don't you? The one where they accused the IRS of going after conservative groups for violating their 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status.

Only problem with that? That IRS scandal, just like every other bit of mud that the Republican congressional majority tried to throw at the Obama administration, was a big fat nothingburger. Nada. Nil. Bupkis.

And the Republican majority quickly figured that out and moved on to the endless Benghazi investigations that ended up with yet another big, fat nothingburger. Nada. Nil. Bupkis.

Sensing a trend, yet?

Sadly, George Stephanopoulos doesn't have the wherewithal or level of acumen to point out that Jordan--who faced hostile, angry constituents at a town hall this week--is literally putting a jovial face on pouty tantrum behavior for not being able to hold fact free witch hunts on the taxpayer's dime.

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