Hey Resistance! Are you tired of winning yet?
The continuing resolution arranged by Congress, which is held in both houses by Trump's Republican Party, includes the following details, via CNN and the LA Times:
No money for border wall construction
No money for deportation force or federal cuts to sanctuary cities
No funding cut for Planned Parenthood
National Institute of Health funding increase of $2 billion
No cut in money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
$150 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and an identical sum for the Humanities endowment, instead of zero proposed by Trump.
Increase clean energy and science funding
Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy is up $17 million over Fiscal Year 2016
Department of Energy Office of Science is up $42 million over Fiscal Year 2016
Provide permanent fix for miners health insurance
$295 million for Puerto Rico Medicaid
Restored year-round Pell Grants
The deal only lasts through the end of September, and the fight could be renewed for the new fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, but the basic congressional dynamics aren't likely to change.