CNN led off today's news coverage on "New Day" by asking if the Trump administration can "reset" their agenda this week after the disaster they had last week.

Not only was there so much failing, but to top off the awful week, after the Boy Scouts of America apologized for Trump turning their jamboree into a pseudo-White supremacist youth rally, the Suffolk County Police Department was forced to apologize for hosting his speech in which he suggested police officers should beat up their suspects.
After a segment outlining the horrible week Trump had, Rep. Chris Collins was interviewed by Alisyn Camerota.
Camerota outlined the seven people that have already left the administration and asked, "What do you think will change with General John Kelly as Chief of Staff?"
Instead of responding to her question, Rep. Collins launched into an alternate reality where truth and facts are of no consequence but praising Donald "Joffrey" Trump was all that mattered.
Collins replied, "First of all, put a little different spin on what we heard earlier from Alex. This has been a great week for the president."
Collins has taken Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts" theorem and run wild with it.
"I was at the jamboree. 40,000 boy scouts shouting 'We love Trump, we love Trump."
See, who cares if what he said was inappropriate and despicable. Who are you going to believe, the organizer of the BSA event or Collins?
He continued, "Banning transgenders which is probably supported by the vast majority of Americans..."
Camerota had enough and said, "Hold on congressman, wait just one second here. He didn't tell the Pentagon, OK? The joint chiefs were taken by surprise. How is that a great roll-out of a new policy?"
Collins relied, 'President Trump is President Trump. He is the commander-in-chief. He can roll things out however he wants. He doesn't report to the joint chiefs, they report to him."
And what King Trump proclaims and how he does it is none of your business. This is crazy talk!
He continued, "On Friday we were in New York City talking about MS-13, something that is the scourge of America, he's taking the fight to the criminal element.."
Trump is scourging the scouragers.
Collins said Trump is handling North Korea and Russia and the inner circle is finally all fixed up, "I think it's all coming together extremely well."
And then he launched into a preposterous claim on health care.
"Let's remember, it was six months ago that president Trump said let's not work on health care. Let's move on tax reform because we're not going to be able to do health care by ourselves. We need democrat help. He knew we weren't going to get democrat help. We didn't get Democrat help. We wasted six months."
It was Trump who told Congress to move forward with Trumpcare because the GOP controls the House and the Senate, but Rep. Collins is blaming Democrats for refusing to destroy Obamacare.
When Camerota said Trump didn't need Democratic help, he attacked Susan Collins and John McCain.
All in all, CNN. What is the point having on a LIAR for almost ten minutes to spew made up facts and dishonest analogies? Only a liar would say last week was a great week for the president. Only a shill of the lowest common denominator would praise his speech to the BSA.
It's time to change things up and put on members of the GOP that want to at least tell the truth some of the time.
These Trump surrogates are useless to your viewers and America.