I imagine the floors at Fox and Friends studio are treated with some tungsten alloy, or a spell has been cast on the set to protect liars....by Roger Ailes, minion of Satan.
Because the fact that Jason Chaffetz can say this on air and not get swallowed up whole by the earth and sent straight to Hell is amazing to me. Transcript via Media Matters:
JASON CHAFFETZ: Yeah, Republicans need to get a backbone. Every time the Democrats say they need to call up Jared Kushner or Donald Trump Jr., then call up Chelsea Clinton. Call up the Clintons. There we have an inspector general who issues a report stating an actual crime. You have Bill Clinton, the former president, taking millions and millions of dollars from countries that Hillary Clinton, who is then going in and doing business. So every time a Democrat says I got to talk to Donald Trump Jr., go up and bring Chelsea Clinton in there, because she was involved in the Benghazi situation. She was involved with the [Clinton] Foundation. I mean, when I tried as the chairman of the [House] Oversight Committee to bring in Ben Rhodes to talk about the Iran situation, nobody knows what the deal with Iran was. They claimed executive privilege. I think the Trumps need to actually get a lot of credit for openness and transparency. They didn't delete their emails, they provided their emails. When they wanted to talk to them, they said you can talk to us. And yet, when we did the same thing with the Democrats they gave us a stiff arm every single step of the way.
"The Senate Republicans are holding [the Trump family] to a much higher standard, than they ever did the Clintons."
He's upset that the Republican Congress isn't calling Chelsea Clinton to testify against her mother.
Hey, Jason, you may be safe in a Fox News studio, but watch out if you leave the building.