So Congress actually found a bi-partisan bill and passed it? Yep, the Congress unanimously approved a resolution denouncing white Supremacists, and there’s your proof that Jefferson Beauregard ‘Stonewall’ Sessions III is no longer a senator. But I digress…
The resolution now heads to the White House for Hair Führer’s signature.
Preznint Stupid is AGAIN faced with his Charlottesville Kobayashi Maru test: to oppose the neo-Nazis in his base or not!
But here’s the essential difference and it’s black and white (heh, see what I did there?) he has to sign it or not. To paraphrase The Clash, if he signs it there will be trouble, if he doesn’t it will be double.
So what can we conclude from this exercise?
- Rep. Steve ‘Cantaloup Calves’ King (R-IA) had a sick day…
- Democrats want to embarrass Trump (D’uh)
- Republicans don’t want to be the party of white supremacy. At least until they are between the sheets, if you know what I mean and I think you do.