Hey Paul Ryan, speaking as a church-going liberal who has a Master's Degree from a Divinity School, why don't you come over here and bite my butt?
“[Thoughts and prayers] is the right thing to do in moments like this because, you know what? Prayer works,” he said. “And I know you believe that and I believe that and when you hear the secular left doing this, think, no wonder you have so much polarization and disunity in this country when people think like that.”
He also said some were trying to “exploit a tragedy to infringe on law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights” and said the fact that the shooter in Texas was able to get a gun was “a pretty clear-cut case”: a convicted domestic abuser should not have been able to buy a gun.
“The law is on the books to prevent a person like this from getting a gun and that didn’t happen and we’ve got to get to the bottom of why that didn’t happen,” he said. “And yes, there are a lot of questions the Air Force has to answer on that.”
Yeah whoops, toxic masculinity in the Air Force had them look the other way when a wife beater and child skull-cracking stepdad should have had red flags all over his background check. And now another 26 people have been shot by a semi-automatic rifle.
At some point, mark my words, the courts are going to wake up to those words in the Second Amendment -- "well-regulated" -- and start regulating the FK out of semi-automatic weapons. It's past time.
And Paul Ryan needs a big dose of Betty Bowers: