Joe Arpaio weighed in on the terrible incident in Hawaii Saturday, when residents were erroneously alerted that a ballistic missile was on its way, by suggesting it was tied to some kind of cover up of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
Arizona's newly-minted U.S. Senate candidate Arpaio made another visit to Fox News on his (possibly sham) campaign trail Saturday night, this time joining the Trump-worshiping host, Jeanine Pirro.
Arpaio began by waving his own Trump-worshiping credentials before the audience:
ARPAIO: Getting a little over-dramatic and romantic, I never had a hero in my life. It took me 75 years to find a hero and that’s the president.
Shortly thereafter, Pirro asked for Arpaio’s thoughts on the Hawaii incident. “You seem to have some thoughts about what happened there earlier today,” she said. That suggests that a producer knew what his thoughts were and had urged her to have him voice them on the show.
ARPAIO: I don’t want to get into it, but I know doing a certain investigation on a fake, fraudulent government document, they couldn’t even solve that case. They don’t even want to look at it. So either they’re incompetent or there’s something behind it.
To her credit, Pirro wasn’t having any of it this time (unlike in 2011, when she was aboard Trump’s birther train). Now, she broke in to say, “I gotta push back on that a little bit. That document, the long form was filed. Let’s put that one away. I want to talk about what happened today in Hawaii. You had some specific thoughts about what happened today.”
But Arpaio had no other “thoughts” on what happened:
ARPAIO: The only thing I’m saying, they can’t even solve a phony document so now they got a problem – there’s something wrong with that government.
Pirro moved on, saying, “They did solve that and I’m gonna keep pushing back on that.”
Watch Arpaio try to spread a crazy conspiracy theory about a state nowhere near Arizona above, from the January 13, 2018 Justice with Judge Jeanine. I’m going to predict this does nothing to impede him from appearing on Fox News again as a legitimate candidate and conservative voice.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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