CNN’s Chris Cuomo and GOP wingnut Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL) had a heated argument last night over the “secret society” texts Republicans have blown up into a conspiracy, and Cuomo fact-checked him heavily.
“I want the memo released. I want to know more because politicians have politics in their mind, and I do not trust any of you as ultimate arbiters of fact,” Cuomo said.
“I don’t trust CNN anchors. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a debate about the context,” Gaetz said.
Cuomo pointed out the texts were found in the Inspector General's report, and that Mueller then removed the two agents involved from the Russia investigation.
It was also fun to watch Cuomo, both Catholic and an attorney, correct Gaetz on a point of Catholic doctrine after the Republican compared the five months of missing texts to the "immaculate conception."
“It was Mary’s conception. It was the mother’s conception without original sin. It was not the conception of Jesus. Facts matter, congressman,” he said.
Note: You can watch the entire segment below.