March 1, 2023

Among the next-generation Democrats, Rep. Eric Swalwell really stands out for showing he knows how to play this game.

Sure, we'd love to have a policy-focused Congress filled with members who respect their oaths, only seek to do what's best for their constituents and the United States of America and believe in democracy. But you legislate with the Congress you have.

Republicans only care about dividing, obstructing, and getting that coveted invite to the Fox "News" channel. So Democrats need to digest a few simple principles:

  • They will smear you and lie about you. Leave no lie unanswered, or people will believe it and that bell is hard to un-ring.
  • This isn't a debating club, Republicans are seeking to overthrow our government and do Putin's bidding. So when they attack, use emotional language and turn it around to truthfully and mercifully put the smackdown on them.
  • Constantly mock them and expose them for the lunatics they are, because it communicates to the world that they aren't serious people--they are, in fact, dangerous. Their ideas aren't to be taken seriously -- but their threats are deadly serious.

Once again, Swalwell shows us how to do it.

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