Fox News host Steve Doocy on Monday prodded President Donald Trump to "declare an emergency" so that Department of Defense funds could be used to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
March 26, 2018

Fox News host Steve Doocy on Monday prodded President Donald Trump to "declare an emergency" so that Department of Defense funds could be used to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The morning after adult film star Stormy Daniels -- whose real name is Stephanie Clifford -- appeared on CBS' 60 Minutes to detail an alleged affair with Trump, Doocy called on the president to announce a state of emergency.

In at least three Fox & Friends segments on Monday, Doocy pointed to Trump's suggestion on Twitter that military money could be used to build the border wall.

"There have been some suggestions via his tweet, maybe he'll take some of that military money and through executive order declaring an emergency or whatnot, he will be able to spend that and actually build the wall!" Doocy told one guest.

In a subsequent segment, Doocy brought up the idea again.

"Who wound up with a lot of money in that omnibus [budget bill]?" Doocy asked.

"Military!" co-host Ainsley Earhardt volunteered.

"Absolutely," Doocy continued. "So maybe there is a way that he could take some of the money allocated to the Pentagon and if they could figure out a good argument for how to build the wall with the Pentagon money, they could say it would be part of our national security."

"Is there a way that the president could do this?" the Fox News host wondered. "Yeah, I've been reading online, a number of lawyers have talked about how -- the fact that Congress allocates the money and the executive branch figures out how to distribute it."

Doocy added: "If the president determines that building a wall is in the national security interests, he could declare an emergency and then they could wind up taking some of that money. Congress might not like it but they're powerless -- unless they sue. Do you think Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan would sue?"

Unlike the effort to have Trump to declare a state of emergency, Fox & Friends hosted no segments on the revelations about Trump's alleged affair with Clifford. But the Clifford interview was briefly mentioned by one of the Fox & Friends news readers during a brief overview of the headlines.

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