Leave it to Ali Velshi to quickly flatten Donald Trump's arguments about DACA:
ALI VELSHI: Nothing the president has tweeted about immigration in the last few days makes sense. In fact, his tweets on the subject are a collection of outright lies. Let's take a closer look for fact's sake. Over the weekend he tweeted,
Okay. Let's start with "catch and release." It is not a law, it is an immigration protocol. The number of immigrants apprehended alongside court rulings and simple resources makes it impractical to contain any person who crosses over the border. Those who are released are allowed to await trial while not in custody. DACA protections only apply to people who have lived in the United States continuously since June 15th, 2007. No matter how hard you try, you cannot jump on the DACA bandwagon. It is nonsense. It is a lie. And yesterday the president fumed, quote,
For fact's sake, members of both parties have proposed DACA. It is dead only because President Trump ended it. Not the Democrats. There's pretty much nothing in those tweets that made sense.
Ali Velshi left out that Donald Trump must blame the Democrats for ending DACA because many people in his own party wanted to keep DACA as part of the Republican brand's "reasonableness" on immigration. So the GOP wouldn't look totally racist.
But Trump's base IS totally racist, and he can't quit them, so...