May 30, 2018

State-run TV gave us an unusual one-two punch yesterday, First Trey Gowdy and then Andrew Napolitano called out Trump for misrepresenting lying about the FBI's role in investigating alleged actual Russian ties to Trump's campaign. Martha McCallum looked understandably perplexed.

One wonders what their viewers think when they hear such things, completely contrary to the sort of bullshit Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham spew every night in primetime.

Napolitano continued the trope about Trump not knowing anything about it, and it all being an innocent mistake inviting Russian involvement into their campaign, but hey, these things happen.

No they don't. Or at least they didn't. before Trump came along.

Source: Real Clear Politics

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: The allegations from Mayor Giuliani over the weekend, which would lead us to believe that the Trump people think the FBI had an undercover agent who finagled his way into Trump's campaign and was there as a spy on the campaign seem to be baseless -- there is no evidence for that whatsoever.

But this other allegation with this professor (whose name we're not supposed to mention), that is standard operating procedure in intelligence gathering and criminal investigations.
I understand the president's frustration that he was not informed of the fact that his campaign was being investigated, not because they think the campaign did anything wrong, but some people may have unwittingly... welcomed the Russian involvement in the campaign, and Donald Trump didn't know about it... If they were there for some nefarious reason, like former Mayor Giuliani suggested, to gather data from the campaign and pass it to the West Wing and Mrs. Clinton, I'd want to see evidence before I made an allegation that outrageous.

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