Ana Navarro isn't just a CNN contributor, she's a Florida voter. So when Donald Trump inserted himself into the state's gubernatorial race and called Democratic candidate Andrew Gillum a "thief," (racial smearing much, Donnie?) Navarro had some choice words for him and the Republican Party:
ALISYN CAMEROTA: Ana, Florida, let's go there since that is your home state. You are watching that race in particular very closely. The president has introduced a new, very racially loaded word to go after Andrew Gillum, the Democrat. What do you think he's doing?
ANA NAVARRO: I think the more he inserts himself into that race, the more he helps Andrew Gillum. I think that his insults and attacks against Andrew Gillum are shameful, and they are lies. Look, I can't believe -- and the reason that his words about improving his tone and talking about unity rings so hallow, if you go check the Twitter feed of the guy who was sending the explosives through the mail, this guy was obsessed with Andrew Gillum. I can't tell you how many tweets I saw of this guy attacking Andrew Gillum.
And then Donald Trump gets in the middle of this race, and he calls Andrew Gillum a thief. Mind you, this is a president who had to pay a $25 million settlement for bamboozling people through Trump University. This is a president whose entire campaign is under FBI investigation.
And then, for me, which is more offensive, he says Andrew Gillum is going to turn Florida into Venezuela. Guys, there is more chance of me walking down the aisle in a size zero dress than there is of Andrew Gillum turning Florida into Venezuela.
And it is a cheap shot to use that in a state where there are so many people who fled communism in Nicaragua and Cuba and Venezuela. Venezuela is ruled by a very cruel, murderous dictator. He kills, he beats, he jails his opponents. He starves his people. He is corrupt. He has destroyed Venezuela. The inflation rate there is over a million percent. In Florida we have got a Republican legislature. In Florida we've got a Supreme Court that has been appointed for the last 20 years by Republican governors. So to use that cheap shot for fearmongering vis-a-vis Andrew Gillum is just wrong. And Ron DeSantis, the nominee of my party, should stand up and reject that in the name of unity in Florida, in the name of truth. Debate issues, that's what Floridians like me want to hear.