In the past week, Yambo fired the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, put a hiring freeze on FAA air traffic controllers, and is trying to get federal employees like air traffic controllers to quit.
This morning, I wonder if his libertarian handlers are starting to realize federal employees serve an actual purpose.
It's completely on brand that the way the Giant Yam would deal with this tragedy is by appointing himself an expert and finding someone, anyone but him, to blame.
He knows everything, you know. His uncle was a professor at MIT!
DOES THIS FOX NEWS DOOFUS HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HE'S DOING? His expertise is in reality TV. Now imagine if Pete Buttigieg were still here. In fact, imagine how prepared Mayor Pete would have already been on his first day.
This expert says it sounds like a covert training mission that didn't have its signal turned on. Why isn't the SecDef not out there answering questions?
I'm just going to assume that somehow, someway, this all tracks back to this administration's incompetence. Because that's what Republicans would do!