November 28, 2018

The general practitioner I've been seeing for the last decade and a half said "I've never seen you in pain, let alone this much pain, Dale."

He then did more test and scans on top of the ones I had done when I went to the hospital on Sunday. Him, like the hospital, was very thorough. Also him, like the hospital are not seeing signs of anything concerning.

It seems simply some torn and twisted muscle around the rib cage. A relief to know it's nothing life threatening but also very painful. He gave me prescription for that.

Now, I am home recuperating and chewing up vacation days I've earned because my job doesn't offer sick time pay.

Many artists have covered "Cod'ine" by Buffy Sainte Marie. This take done in '67 by Minneapolis band the Litter has its own doomy wobble.

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