It's not bad enough that Laura Ingraham has no advertisers but "My Pillow" and Trumpy Bear. It's gotta chafe that she can't drink SlimFast at her desk anymore.
But now, desperate to find any mainstream commentary agreeing with the pro-Trump, pro-Republican propaganda that she is contractually obligated to provide to the nursing home residents of Parsippany, New Jersey, Laura Ingraham has found a special source for confirmation bias: internet comment sections.
CHRIS HAYES: Interesting bit of analysis from the "New York Times." Wonder who wrote that. No, it actually isn't analysis from the "New York Times" -- they've gone deep into the website rando comments section to bring you "Autumn Leaff" with the perfect "Ingraham Angle."
If I knew you could become a Fox News rock star by writing complete sentences slamming Pelosi on The New York Times WEBSITE? Drudge must be furious.