November 12, 2018

Clearly, nothing is too brazen for Steve King, Racist Representative from Iowa. In his audition for trump's replacement of Ambassador to the UN, he is heard on tape referring to immigrants as "dirt." He knows he's had this conversation. The ultra-conservative Weekly Standard published an article about the conversation, including the transcript, and the King camp still denied that is what he meant. According to the Washington Post,

King joked that he’d have to get some “dirt from Mexico” to grow his next batch of peppers because they didn’t have enough bite.

“Trust me, it’s already on its way,” a woman quipped, appearing to refer to the caravan of Central American migrants traveling from Mexico to the U.S. border.

King engaged, saying: “Well, yeah, there’s plenty of dirt. It’s coming from the West Coast, too. And a lot of other places, besides. This is the most dirt we’ve ever seen.”

The King camp said the mixed-up folks at the Weekly Standard took things out of context - they were referring to the MEDIA as dirt! See? Doesn't that make things so much better, and also make so much sense, since there is no mention of the media anywhere in that entire conversation? The Standard stood by their story, by their reporter, to their tremendous credit, and said, "Our reporter wouldn’t focus on your bigotry if you weren’t a bigot."


Well, at that point Steve King claimed they had no recording, and wouldn't release it if they had it. To which the Weekly Standard replied,


Oh, dear. It seems they really DID have a recording, didn't they, Herr King? Not that it will matter to you or the people in your state. They did re-elect you to represent them in Congress again, and the Liar-in-Chief's politics and policies are completely in line with yours, so until there is any semblance of consequence for your sh*ttiness, why change?

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