Malcolm Nance joined Ali Velshi to impress upon us the magnitude of Mueller's investigation, and its place in our country's history. Spoiler: It's big.
February 19, 2019

Malcolm Nance has feelings, and he wants all of us to have them, too.

Seriously, the intensity of this dude is so deep and wide, it's really hard not to get caught up in the gravity of what he is trying to convey. In this segment, he brought his righteous, brilliant anger down upon the Right Wing Nut Jobs "giving Donald Trump his ideas." Ali Velshi asked him what he thought about Trump retweeting Rush Limbaugh's assertion that the people investigating Trump should be put in jail. That was about all the gas Nance needed, and Velshi just took his foot off the brake.

NANCE: You are watching a fundamental attack on the Constitution of the United States. These people on the far right, Rush Limbaugh, the Ann Coulters, the Sean Hannitys, everyone that is giving Donald Trump his ideas, that he should become a fascist dictator; that he should become King George the Fourth; and that he should declare a separation from the American Experiment, and just start acting like a Third World potentate, these people do not represent what the values of this nation are. They are literally asking him to destroy the fabric of the United States. Donald Trump can't handle the truth, to paraphrase a movie, NONE of the Republicans appear to be able to want to find the truth, because the truth will be so damaging. Listen, Ali, simply put, this is the single most serious investigation in the history of the United States.

Say what you want about drama, but there is not one word Nance speaks that is untrue, here. Not one. And every single one of these Republicans supporting Trump, whether in office or on the radio are worse than traitors. They're trafficking in our freedom for their own financial gain, and they're too chickensh*t to admit it.

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