In a weird segment on BlazeTV, hosted by Eric Bolling, Sean Spicer had a tough time sharing his thoughts and seemed to be enamored with Katrina Pearson.
February 6, 2019

Sean Spicer was loosey-goosey as a guest on Blaze TV, slurring words with fellow mate Eric Bolling during an interview at last night's SOTU after party.

Yep, Blaze TV held an after-party at Trump's DC hotel, Chez Emoluments. Glenn Beck also used his Twitter stream to promote the hotel:

Bolling, was fired by Fox News for a sexual misconduct allegation. Thanks to wingnut welfare, he's now on Blaze TV.

Spicer was almost incoherent as he discussed Trump loyalist Katrina Pearson, and could barely say that she had been with Trump a long time.

"She understands what he's thinking and ahhhh...."

Bolling asked, "How did she get that?"

Spicer's voice cracked, "It's not that she gets it, she, she's been with him-- and she understands - she's been on the train longer than I have."

Does Spicer have a thing for Katrina?

Why does the Blaze let drunk people on the air?

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