The Russian Usurper announced that the 4th Reich will ignore all congressional subpoenas for witness testimony—an order he justified by lying that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has exonerated him.
It’s total BS.
If exonerated, Comrade Stupid could have done something normal and gotten down to bidness by working on sumpin’, anything, everything on his agenda, but that’s not his style. He wasn’t exonerated, and he knows it. Therefore, he is punching back.
Legislation doesn’t drive news cycles, but his rants do.
The 2020 Goat Rodeo contenders don’t talk about the Mueller investigation on the campaign trail, they’d rather talk about health care or the minimum wage or free college education, you know, real-life issues. But one stupid tweet about the witch hunt drives the entire news cycle, and the candidates’ news does not even make it to the second commercial break.
And what are they gonna do? Complain about it on television?
We (meaning me) have said that Prznint Stupid is undisciplined (fact check: true!), but Comrade Trump is a Reality TeeVee genius. He knows what he is doing, and the media is getting played by him again. 2020 is looking good for a repeat performance.
So whadda we do?
We need to counter-punch him.
Comrade Stupid has nothing to lose by stalling the Dims as long as possible, and hahaha if you think that he’s worried that it sets a bad precedent, as if he cares about that.
Yesterday, strategic hire AG Bill ‘Low’ Barr’s Justice Department told the House Judiciary Committee that John Gore will defy a subpoena for testimony about his role in (Trump’s pocket Nazi Stephan Miller’s?) effort to add a citizenship question to the census.
The Dims are learning that subpoenas are hard to enforce. Jerrold Nadler (ALLEGEDLY!) urged Democratic leaders to consider penalizing people in contempt of Congress by fining them or even jailing them! But using normal, by-the-book, writing strong letters, giving additional 2-week deadlines will run out the clock, and Prznint Stupid will be re-elected.
As Sean Connery says in the clip, time to "send one of theirs to the morgue"*: Speed it up, Dims. Start the impeachment hearings, dig deep for whistle-blowers, start showcasing the many ways that the 4th Reich is screwing over Possum Hollar. Throw the bums into jail for Contempt.
The Russian Usurper is counting on you to be milquetoasts, it’s time to be Elliot Ness.
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors
*figuratively, of course