Donald Trump is an idiot, but you knew that.
And apparently, he couldn't tour George Washington's Mount Vernon without announcing all the things wrong with it, and offering advice to the long-dead first POTUS. Per Politico, Trump commented on George Washington's Mt. Vernon:
“If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it...You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.”
He also ignored that this building was built in Early America, complaining about the width of the staircases and the uneven floor boards.
What a doofus.
Of course Twitter had a field day. Both "George Washington" and "if Donald Trump was smart" have been trending this morning.
There are several interesting videos on YouTube about Mount Vernon. The one above and this, which states that George Washington, the fifth largest slaveholder in Virginia, treated his slaves just as poorly as any Virginia plantation owner.