Just when you think some other congressional crazy might give wacky Louie Goehmert a run for his money, he pulls ahead of the pack and preserves his "Stupidest Man In Congress" title. Via New York Magazine:
But Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, who also made contact with the coronavirus patient at CPAC, declined to self-isolate after a physician said he could return to work if he observed “proper hygiene protocols.”
While back on the Hill, rather than limit non-essential interactions, Gohmert chose instead to lead a large group of children around the Capitol. The Washington Post’s Mike DeBonis, who posted a picture of the tour, stated that the group was “enormous … well over 100 kids.” CNN’s Jeremy Herb, who also took a picture of the group, reported that Gohmert said he would not shake hands with anyone in attendance.
Louie's said and done some dumb stuff before, certainly. Like that time he compared gun control to trying to prevent obesity by saying we had too many spoons. He thinks Medicare for All is a Soviet plot. He thinks the Mueller investigation was an attempted coup.
Not to mention his strange beliefs about global warming. (He thinks it means more plants.)
But putting kids and their grandparents at risk because stupidity is his brand? That's not just stupid. That's insane.