May 12, 2020

You know, I'm not even going to get into the factual basis of whether Moscow Mitch is telling the truth -- we already know he's not telling the truth!

“I think President Obama should have kept his mouth shut,” Mitch told Lara Trump. Lara, who's married to the stupid one, was asking about a PRIVATE phone call with President Barack Obama which was leaked. (Speaking of Lara Trump: I wonder if any previous presidents had to pay a family member such a nice chunk to campaign for them. Sad!)

He said it was “a little bit classless” and said former presidents should follow “the tradition that the Bushes set up of not critiquing the president who comes after you.”

Oh, you mean a "norm," right, Mitch? Like the norm that allows a sitting president to appoint someone to an open seat on the Supreme Court? You piece of slime.

#MoscowMitch went on to accuse the Obama administration of not leaving "any kind of game plan" for a pandemic.

More bullshit. We know Obama's National Security County left a detailed playbook on pandemic response, and President Obama's team offered Trump's team a briefing.

But we all knew that. We know that all that's necessary to know if #MoscowMitch is lying is to observe whether his servile, reptilian lips are moving.

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