Vice presidential contender Stacey Abrams slammed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Sunday after he downplayed President Donald Trump's apparent ignorance of black history.
During an interview on ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos asked Carson if it was appropriate for Trump to accept the 2020 Republican nomination in Jacksonville on 60th anniversary of a Ku Klux Klan mob attacking black protesters in the city.
"You know, we've reached a point in our society where we dissect everything," Carson complained, "and try to ascribe some nefarious notion to it. We really need to move away from that. We need to move away from being offended by everything, of going through history and looking at everything, you know, of renaming everything."
"It really gets to a point of being ridiculous after a while," he added. "And you know, we're going to have to grow up as a society."
Following Carson's interview, Abrams lashed out at Carson's defense of Trump.
"I think that is a fairly infantile response," she explained. "To say that words don't have meanings, that dates don't have meanings, that dates don't have power. This is from the administration that on the 4th anniversary of the Pulse [nightclub] murders of the LGBTQ community stripped away health protections for that community."
"This is the same person who had to be convinced that having a rally that has traditionally attracted people that do not care about black lives, that they were going to have this [Trump] rally in Tulsa at the site of a black massacre and it took a week of cajoling to make him move," Abrams noted. "And so let's be very clear, this isn't about growing up. It's about taking responsibility and having accountability for the actions that have been taken by this country and by people acting on behalf of this country."
"And we do have a day of reckoning, and that day of reckoning is going to continue until we actually make change," she said.