June 26, 2020

I imagine having a dad whose political philosophy is so toxic it's to the right of Rush Limbaugh would be somewhat problematic, yes.

Source: The Daily Dot

Political campaigns can wreak havoc on a family. Especially when a candidate’s child openly opposes them.

That’s the predicament in which Robert Regan, Republican candidate for Michigan State Representative, finds himself.

Regan is a red-blooded Republican who previously described himself as “so conservative that he makes Rush Limbaugh look like a liberal” and boasted about being the first candidate to support President Donald Trump. His issues include making English the official language in Michigan, opposing all forms of immigration reform (which Regan calls “a codeword for amnesty”), opposing abortion, and restoring Michigan’s constitutional militia.

Those issues don’t sit well with Regan’s daughter, Stephanie (@streeganz). On Tuesday, she tweeted a simple message regarding her father’s campaign: “If you’re in Michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep. Tell everyone.”

The tweet exploded, racking up more than 100,000 likes and 21,000 retweets. Stephanie posted a follow-up tweet yesterday: “Since so many people are asking it is Robert Regan! Do a quick fb or google search to find info about his campaign. I don’t feel safe rn sharing further information regarding his beliefs, but please look him up and just read for yourself.”

Her father's Democratic opponent commended her courage.

UPDATE: Robert Regan says (in the video above to a local news outlet) that he's proud of his daughter but blames left-wing indoctrination for the change in her.

“When they go off to college, quite frankly they get involved with these Marxist, socialist universities and they start getting indoctrinated with things that are completely polar opposite from where you raised them,” he said.

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