As I write this, DC is in the throes of doing something, anything about America's many police brutality problems. The House is working on a comprehensive bill, the Senate will allegedly release a narrower bill, and even Prznint Stupid is signing an Executive Order to address the issue. The order focuses on certifying police on de-escalation tactics and prioritizing DOJ grants to reward police departments that adopt use-of-force standards; but it does not mandate that all departments adopt them. The order also would create a database to track officers who have been accused of using excessive force. The EO does NOT mention systemic racism, ban chokeholds, and has no requests for funding these initiatives (or stealing money like he did for The Wall). I can't go for that.
Zandar Versus The Stupid says that Black Live Still Matter. Yes, they do!
Infidel753 examines the Supreme Court Ruling in favor of LGBTQ rights. Let's just say that there might be some schadenfreude.
One Foot Tsunami sees some blatant grifting.
Off the beaten path: I've been following the wave of editors resigning for poor judgment and bad behavior, and the white-privilege racism troubles at Conde Nast's Bon Appetit in particular. The Sporkful Podcast "got" the chef at the epicenter, Sohla El-Waylly, on the pod. It's quite a show and really helps to clarify all the issues. There are some swears, so NSFW. This is serious journalism (the show notes are impressive), and as we say around here: everything is political. I highly recommend this.
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).