Ben Shapiro has recently been caught violating Facebook's rules and using notorious outlets that exploit fear and bigotry for profit via his "Daily Wire," now claims the left and Black voters are "destroying America."
Popular Info did an excellent job in exposing Shapiro's con job, forcing Facebook to admit what he's been doing.
Usually this type of exposure would cause other media outlets to not book him until the issue has been resolved, but not Fox News and Trump TVs morning show, Fox and Friends.
Shapiro was very angry over a new Fox News poll about the Founding Fathers.

I had to check to see if the video was purposely running at twice its normal speed since Shapiro speaks so quickly. It's as if snorted a few lines of speed and threw back three cans of Red Bull as a chaser before he went on the air.
"Only 63% found the founding fathers as heroes is devastating," Shapiro said.
"That means that 37% of Americans don't describe the founders as heroes."
I see he majored in simple math.
He went on to say the racial cross-tabs in the poll are really devastating.
Shapiro continued, "A plurality of Black Americans believe the founders were villains other than heroes, which is devastating to the future of this country."
"If you believe that the country was innately founded on sin and evil is going to be very difficult to reach the national unity that really require in order to move forward."
We are in a unique time of civil unrest against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, while Trump defends Confederate statues, flags and generals.
Black voters, and the rest of us, can appreciate the courage of the Founding Fathers as they broke from England and fought a Revolutionary War to found the United States of America, while noting that many Founders were slave owners. We can acknowledge that slavery continued for the first hundred years of our founding, and that we are still struggling to live up to the ideal of "created equal." We can acknowledge ALL of American history, Ben, and still fight for a better country that lives up to its ideals without "destroying America." Geesh.
Shapiro, who is a nasty homophobic twerp, then attacked the radical left. Of course he did.
The country has been going on for 244 years, has overcome many problems along the way, and we are still here and still fighting to make the United States "a more perfect union." But Shapiro believes he's tapped into something unique by claiming that not "loving the Founding Fathers" as he does will "destroy America"? Please.
Frances Langum contributed to this post.