June 14, 2022

ESPN host Stephen A Smith had some harsh words for defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, but also made an astute observation about the insurrection on January 6.

Jack Del Rio's comments were insensitive, they were wrong," Smith conceded.

Del Rio called the attack on the US Capitol a "dust-up" and Smith reminded him that people were killed during the violence.

"They tried to overthrow our government," he reminded. “And we ain’t even bring up the fact that if it were Black people instead of white folks out there --- Black folks might’ve got slaughtered.”

“Black folks might’ve got slaughtered. If all the things that have happened to us in our nation’s history, we never stormed the U.S. Capitol. We knew better than that,” he said.

I've had some real issues with some of Smith's commentary in the past, but when you're right, you're right.

If a BLM protest had ransacked the Capitol in 2017, to stop electoral votes being counted against Trump,Fox News would have been calling for death penalties around the clock.

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