Sean Hannity is such a blatant fraud. And he's only convincing Republicans NOT to vote by mail. Voter suppression is not a good look for a cable news network. Transcript via Media Matters:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): By the way, voter fraud is just one part of why mail-in voting is so problematic. Think about this. With widespread mail-in voting, the United States Postal Service, they will be the ones responsible for the outcome of the election. Now, with all due respect to my mailman, I've loved my mailman ever since I was a kid, but are you going to trust the United States postal service with the future of our country? How was your local DMV working out for you? What about your local board of elections?
Of course, Fox News was airing this nonsense (and a regular Hannity episode, really) at the time that the DNC was discussing justice for Breonna Taylor. How pathetic and racist can you get? This much.