This just makes us laugh and laugh: CNN's Pamela Brown quoting SEVERAL sources on Monday's Anderson Cooper 360:
PAMELA BROWN, CNN: We've learned that last week the President was upset when he found out his campaign was dropping the Arizona lawsuit. So he summoned officials to the Oval Office, and campaign officials and lawyers, Rudy Giuliani was on the phone, and I'm told by multiple sources it became very contentious with Rudy Giuliani accusing the Trump campaign lawyers of lying to the President, even though they had been telling him the truth that the odds were stacked against him and that he likely would not be able to change the outcome of the election. Rudy called them liars. In response, the deputy campaign manager Justin Clark fired back at him and calling him an f-ing a-hole. This was all unfolding in the Oval Office with the President, the Vice President. The next day Rudy Giuliani was put in charge by President Trump. So he went up and the Trump campaign lawyers descended, essentially, as it was put to me. And Rudy’s strategy here is essentially to go guns ablazing, fight till the bitter end, and to focus on conspiracy theories.
How's that working out for Team Trump?
And while I thought the Trump campaign was BROKE and using current fundraising for campaign DEBT? Now Rudy wants $20K a day?
Effing ahole is right!
UPDATE: Neal Katyal For the Win: